What We Do

Sell Your CPG Products to Complex Channels

Planning & Strategy

We build sales plans with measurable goals through a deep understanding of our customers and their products to determine the best strategy for collective growth.

Custom Cloud-based Systems

We integrate with your processes through streamlined administrative functions that allow us to dedicate more time to selling.

Virtual Inside Sales People

Our teams are dedicated exclusively to one, single client - building sales growth through consistent, smart discussions.

Sustain New Market Growth
with a Handoff to Inside Sales

Will your Consumer Packaged Goods sales team meet their white space growth goals this year? 

By partnering with our sales team throughout the account acquisition process, we are up to speed on the details and ready to take over direct account management. This frees your sales team to go back out and hunt for more while we do the grunt work of growing the account. 

Would this added support lead to sales growth to cover the added cost? 


Build Your B2B Sales With Our Dedicated Teams

Accelerating Field Sales with
Lead Generation Partners

What if your field sales team had qualified appointments set for them?

This would allow them to focus on selling – what they do best. Our lead generation team members working for a national insurance company make up to 100 calls a day, gathering customer information and setting appointments for field salespeople. With access to their calendars and CRM systems, the process is seamless and highly successful.

Learn more on how we helped one B2B client! 

Move Suspects to Prospects

Our teams build your sales pipeline by contacting targeted leads, determining their value, and beginning the sales process or setting appointments for you.

Horsepower Without Headaches

We quickly and seamlessly add power to your sales team through our leadership, systems, and support.

Mining Your List for Jewels

Whether in lost accounts or new markets, we dig for sales potential quickly.

We treat your low priority accounts like MVPs by building strong relationships over the phone.

(844) 835-6275